Unearthing How Small Things Can Influence Our Lives in Big Ways.
“GroundBreaking: A Story of Innovation” Powered by U.S. Soy
A first-of-its-kind documentary is airing on A&E, unearthing the wide scope of the soybean’s global potential.
“GroundBreaking: A Story of Innovation” showcases soy’s unique and innovative power as a resource used by farmers, chemists, historians, chefs and astrobiologists.
“GroundBreaking” begins with an origin story, tracing the history of the U.S. soybean back nearly 150 years. The film visits nine states and talks to 15 experts about the past, present and future soybeans can create. It examines everything from how soy can produce healthier plants and animals to the development of biodiesel fuels and the next frontier of space exploration.
“GroundBreaking” was funded by the half-million U.S. soybean farmers who invest in creating sustainable soy solutions for every life, every day. As the U.S.’ number one agricultural export with an economic impact of $124 billion, the soybean’s increasing versatility will leave a legacy of sustainability as we move into the future.

About the Filmakers
“GroundBreaking: A Story of Innovation” was produced by Spot Content Studio, an award-winning video production company that combines art and science to create compelling stories that educate and inform. Founded more than 20 years ago in St. Louis, Missouri, Spot believes the art of storytelling happens in every phase of the production process. Spot Content Studio has worked alongside the United Soybean Board for almost a decade telling the soy story; showcasing the family farms growing soy and promoting how this little bean can take us into the future.
“GroundBreaking” was directed by Sam Pinkstone, a multi-award-winning Director/Producer specializing in heartfelt and compelling stories; often covering life-changing circumstances and immersive human-interest stories. Sam has directed and produced flagship shows, and emerging new series, airing on Discovery Channel, BBC Worldwide, Ch4 (UK), Ch5 (UK), Red Bull TV, Smithsonian Channel and A&E Networks.
Lauren Nieman, award-winning Executive Producer of the documentary, led this project and its team of experts from start to finish. Lauren’s in-depth knowledge and understanding of U.S. Soy and her innate ability to develop a story into its best form resulted in this beautifully told and expertly crafted documentary about the innovations of soy.
Learn More
Check out the resources below to learn more about “GroundBreaking: A Story of Innovation,” highlighting U.S. Soy’s ability to feed and fuel the world.

Learn More About U.S. Soy
Contact a representative to learn more about the positive global human impact of soy grown in the United States, and U.S. Soy’s promise to transform global nutrition, provide climate-forward solutions, and support progress for people and their communities.
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